Taking the drama out of sustainability

Sustainability has become a buzz word in the film industry and wider world the last few years and rightly so. For us, the importance is in balancing our environmental impact with our responsibility towards social equity in the UK film & television industry. Like the wider world, not all communities, backgrounds or sexes have been equally represented for many years and we feel a responsibility to help bring about change.

In 2022 we wrote our first Sustainability policy & future action plan, both of which focus on people and planet to create a healthier positive environment for us all.

We have been working with Creative Zero, a collaborative organisation that bring sustainability professionals together to support SMEs, sharing their cross-industry knowledge to create positive change and we completed our first carbon audit with their help in 2022. Gaining this knowledge of our business allows us to plan for the future – continuing to reduce our own emissions and waste, influence suppliers and productions and to have healthy and motivated staff. We have committed to reach net zero by 2030 with our progress towards this being accredited and published.

Alongside the environmental side of sustainability we recognize the importance of social equity in our industry through promoting diverse talent and fostering inclusivity. We are based in Ibrox, Glasgow & Salford – both areas have historically been at a disadvantage economically whilst being rich in creativity and with unique stories to tell. Since 2012 we have actively supported initiatives that encourage individuals from these areas and a variety of backgrounds to engage in the film industry creating a community in the long term that reflects the richness of diverse perspectives.

We have been working with the following brilliant organisations who work to bring positive change to our industry.